
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Guest Designer Team Call (July - December)

Can you believe the year is 1/2 over already?
We are looking to fill the 2nd half of 2014 with our Guest Designer Team call!

Hi Everyone!!  Its that time!! Our Official Guest Designer Team Call!!
We are looking to fill July - December 2014.

As a selected Guest Designer, you will be assigned a month to post on our blog (Sunday's).

What are we looking for?
Enthusiastic people that love our products of course!  We are looking for those that showcase our cutting files in inspirational ways for our customer base.  We are looking for those that are able to share their creations all month long via their blog, social networks, etc (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Sound like something you are interested in?  Keep reading below.....

Guest Designers will receive files to work for their selected month to post on a weekly basis & join in our monthly blog challenge.  The number of files will range from 4-5 depending how many Sundays are in the month.
Guest Designer will also receive an $10 gift voucher to our store, as our thank you. 

How to Apply:
  • Send an email to Annie at no later than June 15. (first GDT will begin for July  6th)
  • Please have subject line of email state "Guest Designer Team Call"
  • Make sure to include : Your name, your email address, your blog address & current list of all DT's you are on.
  • Please send along 1-4 pictures of projects of what you consider your BEST work.  We are looking for cutting file projects, and we have several free files in our store for you to play and experiment with!
Guest Designers will be contacted via email, and we will announce the 
lucky 6 on our blog and FB pages by June 18th.

Thanks for your considerations & Good Luck!!


  1. Oooh! Might have to give this one some thought! Time to start creating.

  2. Ooooh, exciting news. My app has been emailed - woot, woot.

  3. OOh!!!! This is so exciting!! I need to get crafty!! I love your files!

  4. I would love to do this I will send in and cross my fingers. thanks for the chance. hugs

  5. Can I Apply, I´m From Guatemala Central America buy love your Files...Regards,


We love hearing for you...please leave us a comment!